.:. Megarhyssa .:.

A place for me to post pictures for family and friends, plug the odd interesting Web page, and discuss issues that are on my mind.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Getting there

Well, I've added one additional review/admin task, but struck a few others off the list. Now I'm looking at:

- review AmNat manuscript
- read Lovell essays
- review Ecography manuscript
- read Animal Care protocols
- review NSF grant
- revise gradients manuscript
- revise Libellula manuscript

in about that order. In a week's time, I am supposed to have done the first four tasks (if I don't do tasks #2 and #4, it will show at the respective meetings!).

Not quite out of it yet, but it's feeling a bit more manageable. Sending my manuscript back to the journal's editorial office late last night certainly gives me some breathing room. If they like it, then it looks like it will be published in June, which sounds good to me! Fingers crossed on the one currently in review...


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