.:. Megarhyssa .:.

A place for me to post pictures for family and friends, plug the odd interesting Web page, and discuss issues that are on my mind.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Solar raycers: so hot, they're cool

As a family, we walked to the University of Calgary campus yesterday to catch the finish of the 2005 North American Solar Challenge. It was great to see so many people supporting such a great cause, and I was very happy that I could finally root for a car race and not worry about the environmental damage being inflicted with each lap!

You can find out more about the University of Calgary's entry here.

University of Calgary Solar Raycer originally uploaded by megarhyssa.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Loving the slide

Originally uploaded by megarhyssa.

Our son enjoying the slide at a local playground...

All aboard!

Sunday, July 24, 2005


I've been thinking for some time now that I'd like to visit Iceland. And, no, not just because Björk hails from there.

I suppose I'm intrigued by hot springs and lava formations in a sub-Arctic island. Or, the fact that I can visit the birthplace of Leif the Lucky, who is credited with "discovering" America in the year 1000. Of course, it doesn't hurt that as many as 80% of Icelanders believe in the existence of elves.

Whatever the reasons, Iceland is high on my "must visit" list, along with Scotland, New Zealand, and Chile. At some point, I'll probably write some more about these places and the connections between them.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Vancouver pictures

We recently visited Vancouver and area. While there, we had the pleasure of hanging out with my son's Uncle Paul:

and his Aunt Kate:

They live in Perth, so it's a real treat when we get to see them.

We also visited Stanley Park and rode on the little train, where I nabbed this artsy shot of the family:

Friday morning

Greetings! I hope to use this space to post pictures of family and friends, mainly for family and friends. I'll also occasionally post pictures from my travels and field work, and the odd picture of house renovations and related stuff. At best, I'm an amateur photographer, so visitors shouldn't be too surprised if I didn't use the "right" f/stop setting, the focal object is in the centre rather than off to the side, etc.

Also, I may occasionally link to other Web sites or share my feelings on current events, either public ones or slightly more personal ones. For the latter, I imagine that they won't be very exciting for tourists, although they should feel free to read and comment, of course.

Oh, Camino didn't let me create or edit posts, beyond adding or changing the title. For now, I'm using Safari and that seems to have fixed that problem. Anybody else encounter this issue?

Well, that's all I have for now.

And so it begins...