.:. Megarhyssa .:.

A place for me to post pictures for family and friends, plug the odd interesting Web page, and discuss issues that are on my mind.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Who can figure it?

OK, this entry is probably more for my own benefit than usual, but I have to get this down so that I'll remember it in the future. It's November 20th, and it's sunny and 15 degrees Celsius in the middle of the day. We've been hanging out on our porch in little more than sweaters and pants, and yesterday I worked up a sweat raking the front lawn in a long-sleeved T.

Why is this noteworthy? Well, for the last two years (our first ones here) in Calgary, we've had snow on the ground for Halloween and occasionally earlier, and it would have been downright B-B-B-R-R-R-R by now.

So, I'm sure my brother-in-law Paul, who grew up in Vancouver and is now living in Perth, would find this a chilly day, but we'll take it with a big smile on our collective faces! =)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I feel a rant coming on...

So, I'm watching the family edition of the Amazing Race. This version of the show is turning out to be anything but amazing (it's supposed to be a race around the world, not a tour of the USA, people), although that's not what's really bothering me.

What's bothering me? The family from Florida. They talk a lot of smack about living the Christian way, but then proceed to call other contestants "retards" or "desperate" housewives, throw food at them, ask randoms to basically hold them up or give them bad directions and, worse of all, make fun of the father of one of the families for being a garbage collector. This, coming from a family that looks like they're no strangers to trailer parks (let's not get into the belts masquerading as pants worn by the daughters).

Granted, I never paid that much attention to my theology classes when I was a student at a Roman Catholic elementary school, but I don't recall stories of that Jesus fellow putting other people down or going out of his way to screw with them. Not suprising for a guy whose father was a "lowly" carpenter.

So, if you're going to around being obnoxious and rancid all the time, that's fine by me, but don't go bawling to Phil about how the others don't like you -- maybe if you were *actually* living the Christian way, they would! 'Nuff said.