.:. Megarhyssa .:.

A place for me to post pictures for family and friends, plug the odd interesting Web page, and discuss issues that are on my mind.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Happy Murray

Going away for a couple of days or so isn't a problem when you've got Cynthia looking after your dog -- I swear he has a better time with her than with us!

Our Wheaten Terrier is over five years old now, but he's still a bundle of energy.

Happy Murray originally uploaded by megarhyssa.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Been a while

So, it's been quite a while since I wrote in my blog. In large part, I've been too busy for this sort of thing. Even now, I'm taking this opportunity to write down everything I've got to get done in the next three weeks or so; that way, it won't be bouncing around in my head and I'll be able to refer to the list even if I'm at another computer. So, without further ado:

- finish AIF NFA application
- revise AZS manuscript
- review JOE manuscript
- prepare Spotlight on Research blurb
- read Animal Care protocols
- read Lovell essays
- review Ecography manuscript
- revise Libellula manuscript
- revise gradients manuscript
- review AmNat manuscript